Estimation Musical Instrument Valuations
How Much Is Your Musical Instrument Worth?
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Musical Instrument Valuations
Many objects that display great craftmanship gain value over time and musical instruments are certainly one such example of this. Driven by passion, many collectors and enthusiasts are in a perpetual search for musical instruments designed by famous manufacturers or having belonged to big names in music. Thus, piano, guitars, flutes and other instruments of the great artists of both century and previous centuries are very popular among collectors with instruments such as zithers, lutes, accordions, and flageolets, being highly sought after by the purists of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Estimating the value of a musical instrument is not an easy task. While some instruments increase in value over time, especially woodwind instruments such guitars, violins, violas – “In the woodwind family, whatever the essence used, the sound changes with the time… For guitarists, this evolution is often favourable since the sound becomes more harmonic, more reactive and more just” – other instruments like the piano or the saxophone and more generally the wind instruments see their value depreciate over time.
Whilst an instrument may no longer present the same level of musical expression as it once had they are today regarded today as collector’s items, perhaps destined to no longer amaze the ears, but to divert the eyes. Moreover, no matter the state of an instrument, it will always be invaluable if it belonged to a great historical figure or a famous musician.
If you wish to receive a valuation of a musical instrument, our musical instrument experts will respond to you within 48 hours.