Estimation Oriental Art Valuations
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Oriental Art Valuations
The exotic scenes, warm colours, powerful lights… The east, and the countries of both the rising and setting sun, have long fascinated Europe. In the 19th century, “orientalist” artists such as Eugène Delacroix, Horace Vernet, Zeim and Decamps plunged the European public into the unique exoticism of the East. But above all, they portrayed the “fantasies of liberated and lascivious women represented naked” and “the dream like oriental forms fuelling the western libido”. The East is also a painter’s dream, and even before the birth of the Orientalist movement painters like Bellini, Fragonard or Rembrandt were fascinated by this style.
On the art market, Orientalist art, especially painting, had its heyday in the late twenty-first century. It was marked by the acquisition by many large Arab institutions of various Orientalist works and even during the period when orientalism market experienced a downturn, 2004-2009, some exceptional pieces like the Aerial View of the Palmeraie of Étienne were still sold for incredible sums in the auction room (1.92 million euros).
In recent years, Orientalist art has gradually found favour with collectors and beyond the works of artists of the nineteenth century, the value of pieces from Eastern artists (Mahmoud Said or Baya) from the 1950s continues to climb from day to day. Orientalist works continue to have a bright future ahead of them as for many, even today, the East remains a land of mystery.
If you wish to receive a valuation of a piece of oriental art, our oriental art experts will respond to you within 48 hours.