Estimation Vintage Car & Vehicle Valuations
How Much Is Your Vintage Car Worth?
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Vintage Car & Vehicle Valuations
The vintage car market appears to be immune to any financial crisis with some models selling for large sums regardless of economic conditions. For example, a 1957 Ferrari 335S was sold in Paris in 2016 for more than 36 million euros breaking all the records for the sale of a vintage car. This is a unique case, but maybe you also have a rare vehicle in your possession that you want to sell?
First of all, you need to identify the year of production for the vehicle as not all production periods attract the same interest from buyers in this sector. The collector car market can be divided into 2 distinct periods. The first is the so-called “ancestors” models, concerning all vehicles produced before the First World War and including makes such as Bugatti, Dietrich, Mathis and Deutz. These models are considered as vehicles with great historical value and are a real collector’s item.
The stakes are lower for the cars of the second period: that of the inter-war period. There are many criteria the affect the value of vehicles from this period but with the right combination they can generate good sales. Their prestige, their character, or on the contrary their banality can create a significant interest for collectors.
The price of a vintage car can easily climb depending on its pedigree and whether its original owner is a famous historical figure or a recognized driver. If the vehicle is rare, original or very well preserved, the price will also rise. These criteria can only be identified by an expert. As each car purchase and sale is unique, it is recommended to call an expert who will advise you in the process.
Mister Expert offers a first expertise of your collection vehicle from simple photos. By detailing the origin of the car and the information you already have, we offer a first estimate within 48 hours. An in-depth study will help us refine this estimate, and we can educate you about your car and its sales potential in the collector’s market.