Asger JORN
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Status, price and estimation of the artist Asger JORN
Price of a painting signed Jorn: 1,500 – 100 000 €
Artist’s status for a print or an engraving: 300 – 1,500€.
Estimate of a drawing or watercolour by the artist for auction: 1,000 – 25,000€.
Price of a sculpture by Asger Jorn: 3,000 – 40,000€.
If you would like to have a painting of the painter’s work appraised, our painting experts are at your disposal for a free appraisal.
A university education
Asger Oluf Jorgensen was born in 1914 in the town of Vejrum in Denmark into a devout Christian family. His parents, both teachers, were deeply rooted in religion. Family authority and religion were strongly rejected by Jorn, and he managed to detach himself from them as his personal development progressed.
Influenced to a large extent by the man of letters and historian Frederik Severin Grundtvig, Jorn pursued his higher education, for which he graduated in 1935. He was also interested in courses on Scandinavian thought. His open-mindedness is praised for his intellectual richness and maturity.
He became interested in painting after suffering from tuberculosis, from which he recovered after a brief cure.
He was invited to learn about this medium by the artist Martin Kaalund-Jørgensen, who took it as the subject of some of his paintings in the 1930s.
Jorn’s artistic debut
Influenced at the beginning by contemporary Danish art, he likes to evolve in a figurative register, by applying himself to represent landscapes in particular.
On his way to Paris, he thought he would find a trainer in Vassily Kandinsky’s house. The young artist quickly turned away, having perceived the difficulties inherent in Kandinsky’s profession, which at that time was hardly able to make a living from his art. He then joined Fernand Léger’s Contemporary Academy.
Through his encounters, his artistic practice is transformed to invest the field of abstraction.
Jorn travels back and forth between Paris and Denmark, where his destination is Copenhagen. There he studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts between 1937 and 1942.
His art no longer focuses solely on painting, the artist invests in mural decoration through tapestry and is also interested in prestigious ceramics.
Together with the Dutch painter and sculptor Karel Appel, who is the main founder of the CoBragroup, Jorn is implique , an experimental group that focuses on expressivity and in this sense opposes the cultural art of the time and also challenges the Parisian position in the art world. The Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam hosts the group’s first exhibition.
An active communist participant during his youth, Jorn became involved in 1957 in the framework of the Situationist International, a reactionary movement taking a stand against capitalism.
An early and lasting reputation
After having enjoyed numerous successes on the artistic scene of his time, exploiting several mediums, Jorn started painting again in 1966, a new high point in his career. He devoted himself to sculpture in his last years of production.
Jorn also had the opportunity to sell his works very early in his career, from the 1930s onwards, thanks to an influential member of his entourage on the art market, the owner of the Birch Gallery, Borge Birch.
His work was exhibited in a number of solo and group exhibitions in art galleries, and participates twice in the Documenta in Kassel in 1957 and 1964.
The Kestner-Gesellschaft Art Gallery in Hanover devoted an important retrospective to him in 1973. It was subsequently shown at the Nationalgalerie in Berlin and in Brussels. Asger Jorn died the same year in Aarhus.
Appraise and sell a painting by Asger Jorn
If you own an Asger Jorn painting or any other sculpture, ask for a free estimate via our online form.
You will then be contacted by a member of our team of experts and auctioneers to give you an independent view of the market price of your painting. In the event of a sale, our specialists will also advise you on the various options available to sell your work at the best price.