Bernard FRIZE
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Status, price and estimation of the artist Bernard FRIZE
Price of a painting by Frize: 7,000 – 100,000€.
Estimate for a drawing or watercolour by the artist at auction: 600 – 2,000€.
If you wish to have a painting by the artist appraised, our experts are at your disposal for a free valuation.
An (almost) self-taught painter
Bernard Frize is a French painter born in Saint-Mandé in 1954 and living today between Paris and Berlin.
In the 1970s, he studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Montpellier, then in Aix-en-Provence, but did not complete his studies. He then attended the events of the ABC Production group and met artists such as Tjeerd Alkea, Jean Azémard, Vincent Bouliès and Alain Clément.
Bernard Frize himself claims to have left the Beaux-Arts to settle in Paris where he opened a silk-screen printing workshop. From then on, around 1976, he painted by leisure, only at weekends.
The Mystery Man
In 1977, his first works became known, no doubt thanks to his meeting with Suzanne Pagé, then curator of the Musée d’art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Thus, from 1979 onwards at the Galerie Lucien Durand, his works are exhibited almost every year, which attests to his reputation.
However, the painter remained discreet about his personal life, sometimes to the point of confusing the issue: he changed and falsified his date and place of birth several times in the texts dedicated to him.
Although he does not like to talk about his past, the painter is generous when it comes to talking about his work. Thus, he willingly lends himself to interviews, particularly in the two retrospectives dedicated to him: that of the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, in 2003, and that of the Centre Georges Pompidou in 2019.
Innovative art
Bernard Frize is a unique artist and a French painter who is a key figure on the international art scene. He experiments with new, often contradictory, and always very colourful pictorial approaches. Most of his works are abstract, although he has been incorporating figurative elements into his paintings since the 1980s, and is also interested in photography.
Bernard Frize’s works on the art market, however varied they may be, always seem to sell in the same price range. Thus, Quartz, a work from 2005 that gently declines several shades of pink, is sold for 54,300 euros (Christie’s, Paris, 2-3 December 2014) while Avalon, a sort of braid of colours, dating from 1999, is sold for 43,750 euros. Finally, the very geometric Non, executed in 2006, was sold for 56,250 euros by Christie’s Paris on 8 June 2018.
Bernard Frize is still experimenting with his art today, dividing his time between Berlin and Paris.
Appraise and sell a painting by Bernard Frize
If you own a Bernard Frize painting or any other sculpture, ask for a free estimate via our online form.
You will then be contacted by a member of our team of experts and auctioneers to give you an independent view of the market price of your painting. In the event of a sale, our specialists will also advise you on the various options available to sell your work at the best price.