Quang Boa Nguyen
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Quang Bao Nguyen’s coast and artist’s award
Price of a painting signed by the artist: 2,000 – 5,000 €.
Painter Quang Bao Nguyen
The twentieth century saw an artist of great talent and yet very little known to the general public: Quang Bao Nguyen. He was a Vietnamese painter of the 20th century who popularised modern Asian art, particularly portraiture. Born in 1929, our artist began to take an interest in painting at the age of 24, when he entered the Faculty of Physics at the University of Hanoi (capital of Vietnam). He is an autodidact who has a rather paradoxical perception of his being, in the sense that he does not consider himself an artist, but nevertheless acknowledges having an artist’s soul. Passionate about literature and music, he trains himself and settles in a studio in the centre of an old district of Hanoi in 47 Hang Ngang Street. In the beginning, he was less rigorous in the representation of parts, such as eyes, hair and clothes, which were more difficult to draw according to him. Later, he realized that these details could give the portrait a certain aura and bring out the character better. Very attached to his style, he did not find it useful to combine the tools of technology, as his contemporaries did. Our octogenarian purist, who leads an almost austere life despite his old age, continues to make the journey between his house in O.Quan Chuong Street and his studio to perpetuate this art through drawings and portraits, works from which the Quang Bao Nguyen painting estimate is made.
The influences of Quang Bao Nguyen from Hanoi
Quang Bao Nguyen’s paintings do not reflect his personal vision of things. They espouse the human and even spiritual characteristics of what he paints. It is about freezing time in a painting. In his frescoes, he thus gives an important price to the personality he tries to bring out through the details. His great spirituality and his Buddhist influences have something to do with it. Indeed, the Vietnamese believes strongly in the principle or law of karma and the law of energy conservation. On the other hand, the development of digital technology, which has changed the face of drawing, seems to have no hold on it. He still uses the same pens and brushes to make his paintings. Art lovers use these paintings to make an estimate Quang Bao Nguyen painting.
Works by the artist Quang Bao Nguyen
Quang Bao Nguyen’s workshop presents portraits of Vietnamese people of the 1930s, famous mandarins and foreign personalities. In fact, he has produced about 4000 portraits, including an impressive portrait of the famous German physicist Albert Einstein. According to estimates, the prices of his drawings are generally negotiated between 2000 and 5000 euros. The acquisition of the artist’s works is by auction after subscription. The paintings and drawings made by his hand are numerous. The best known are, among others, the “Lotus spread out on the rivière”, a polychrome lacquer panel with a red background, measuring 59.9 x 89.5 cm. We can also mention the “Vietnamese landscape”, “Les Paysans”. (The farmers), the “Village du Haut – Tonkin” and the “Palais à l’ombre d’un grand arbre”. These works are all striking in their originality.
Appraising and selling a painting by Quang Bao Nguyen
If you own a painting or any other sculpture by Quang Bao Nguyen, ask for a free estimate via our online form.
You will then be contacted by a member of our team of experts and auctioneers to give you an independent view of the market price of your painting. In the event of a sale, our specialists will also advise you on the various options available to sell your work at the best price.