Estimation Art Nouveau Valuations
How Much Is Your Art Nouveau Items Worth?
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Art Nouveau Valuations
Art Nouveau is an artistic movement that first appeared in the late nineteenth century, it is a movement that is strongly inspired by the natural world. Hector Guimard said in defining the aesthetics of the Art Nouveau movement: “it is to nature always that we must seek advice”.
Art Nouveau artists favour the natural form of plants when looking for inspiration and the design tends to therefore represent the organic forces. It is a relatively short movement, disappearing almost as quickly as it appeared with the peak being from 1889 to 1910.
Despite its ephemeral appearance, the market for Art Nouveau furniture, particularly items designed by the well-known cabinetmakers of this era is very strong. Especially since there are very few because of the relatively short existence of this style.
There are obviously pieces at modest prices, especially those produced in series recognisable by the signature of the designing artist and it is also important to note that furniture dealers of the twentieth century produced a large quantity of Art Nouveau furniture in a more commercial fashion. However, even if these pieces are of lesser quality than those produced by the great artists, because of the effect of scarcity, they are beginning to also gradually increase in value.
Art Nouveau reached its peak during the World Fair in Paris in 1900 but its influence would already be in decline by 1902. The complicated structure of Art Nouveau furniture made industrial production difficult, limiting the spread of the movement. The death of a great name of this movement, Emile Gallé, in 1904 would also accelerate the decline of Art Nouveau design and the school of Nancy and with the arrival of the First War, the public would not have had time to become accustomed to this new style.
If you wish to receive a valuation of a piece of Art Nouveau furniture, our Art Nouveau experts will respond to you within 48 hours.