Estimation Indian Art Valuations
How Much Is Your Indian Items Worth?
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Indian Art Valuations
The large scope and diversity of Indian art is representative of the evolution of the cultural history of the Indian continent. Both religion and philosophy have contributed immensely to the artistic world in this region and to the development of culture and society more generally in this great part of the world.
Indian art has left a strong and unique imprint on the culture of all humanity. Its continuity through the ages, up to the contemporary period, allowed it to mature throughout the development of human culture. Its importance is also characterized by the vastness of the geographical space connected to the Indian Art movement.
First appearing in Indo-Pakistan, the artistic movement has spread through most of Asia along the Silk Road. All these influences are evident in all the resulting artworks: sculptures in sandstone or marble, mashrabiya in stone lace, bronze, oil lamps and measuring instruments. Most Indian art objects had a religious function and were mostly used for Hindu cults.
From the end of the 17th century, Jesuit colonization influenced Indian art. This would see Indian art to be influenced by all the techniques of the Western artistic sphere and evolve by introducing new techniques. Due to this multitude of influences and cultures, Indian art objects, which are highly sought after by collectors, are often difficult to identify.
Mr Expert can, after an appraising your goods, identify their origins. By studying the materials and finishes, our experts can certify the date of manufacture, and under the influence of which Indian dynasty or movement your piece were created. Even if Indian art is sometimes considered to be “primitive” there is always great interest in these pieces on the collector’s market.
We must also not neglect the current trend for contemporary Indian art. A new emblem of the cultural modernity of the largest cities of India, this pictorial trend has been met with great success internationally, and some paintings sell for tens of thousands of euros.
So how do you go about authenticating your Indian paintings? Our experts, connoisseurs in Indian art, will advise you and will provide a quick answer to all your questions regarding the sale of all your Indian art pieces.