Estimation Religious Object Valuations
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Religious Object Valuations
Religious art has existed for since ancient history. It manifests itself in various forms according to cultures, civilisations and eras. In Europe, the Christian faith was especially present through religious buildings such as cathedrals. The stained-glass windows and decorations held within these cathedrals served in part to aid the devotion and education of the worshipers. The Bible is considered to be the most reproduced text in the world. Some are printed while others are hand written. The same applies to other religious tomes such the Koran or the Torah.
Byzantine art developed the art of iconography until the eleventh century AD though its peak would be in the sixteenth century in the Eastern Roman Empire. This artistic style is found today mostly in the Orthodox religions. These images are magnified through the use of frames are often adorned with precision stones. They acted as a representation of the devotion of worshipers whilst also helping to protect them.
Religious objects can take many different forms and therefore involve a number of different artistic fields. Goldsmiths would put themselves at the service of the Catholic liturgy and would produce objects of a high quality. One such example are the chalices that were often accompanied by a paten and set with precious stones. Chalices like these can be sold for several thousand euros like a chalice in silver relief, chiselled, engraved and gilded in the seventeenth century which sold 13,000 euros in 2018. The ciborium is another such religious object that can obtain a significant price at auction.
Reliquaries are very precious religious objects as the quality of the decorations and the materials used in their construction are typically of superior quality. The price of these objects can quickly reach six figures as shown by the Pierre Germain reliquary in vermeil and crystal which was sold for 187,440 euros in 2015.
Religious objects would be revived in the nineteenth century thanks to goldsmiths such as Jean-Charles Cahier who in 1806 created a reliquary for the holy crown and in the twentieth century, Salvador Dali created a bronze menorah used for Jewish worship.
It is important to take some precaution before placing a religious object up for sale as some items are on the private market as the result of the looting of religious buildings in antiquity.
Do not hesitate to contact our experts and auctioneers through our online form for an appraisal and valuation or sale of your religious objects.