Anselm Kiefer
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Status, estimate and price of the artist Anselm Kiefer
Price of a painting: 13,700 – 2,400,000 €.
Price of a drawing: 5 700 – 311,000 €.
Price of a sculpture: 12,000 – 740,000 €.
Price of a photograph: 2 500 – 224,000 €.
If you would like to have a work by Anselm Kiefer appraised, our experts will take care of everything.
Education and early works
Anselm Kiefer is a German visual artist and contemporary, who was born on 8 March 1945 in Donaueschingen, Germany, and today lives in Croissy-Beaubourg, France.
Anselm Kiefer grew up near the borders of Germany, France and Switzerland. He has been strongly influenced by French culture. The future artist studied law, literature and linguistics before following his passion and joining the academies of Karlsruhe, Freiburg im Breisgau and Düsseldorf in 1966.
In 1969, Anselm Kiefer sought to awaken people’s consciences, because Nazism was not dead. The young artist made a name for himself by taking photos of himself giving the Nazi salute in major European cities. For him, history is a material like landscape or colour.
From 1970 to 1972, Anselm Kiefer studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Düsseldorf with painter Joseph Beuys. He spent the 1980s working in Buchen in Baden-Württemberg, near the Black Forest. But in 1993, he moved to the Gard region, where he created a 35-hectare workspace on an industrial wasteland. In 2009, he moved to Croissy-Beaubourg, where he has his workshop, in the Seine-et-Marne region of France.
The Kabbalah and its inspiration
The 1990s marked a turning point in his career, as the sculptor was increasingly influenced by the writings of the Kabbalah and the mysticism of Robert Fludd (a 16th century English physician).
Since 1993, Anselm Kiefer has been creating monumental sculptures in the form of towers, which at the same time serve as exhibition spaces for paintings and other works.
In 2007, a painting and two sculptures by Anselm Kiefer became permanent additions to the Louvre Museum’s collection. That same year, he inaugurated the Monumenta programme at the Grand Palais, paying tribute to poets such as Paul Celan and Céline. In 2009, to mark the 20th anniversary of the Opéra Bastille, Anselm Kiefer directed a musical show entitled “Am Anfang: au début”, which fused several art forms based on Old Testament texts. In 2010, he began teaching at the Collège de France, where he is the Chair of Artistic Creation.
Anselm Kiefer’s works recall the destruction of the Second World War, and in particular the horrors of the Holocaust. The artist combines the depiction of disaster with a symbol of genius, as seen in Icarus, the Sands of Brandenburg (1981).
In 2006, Balders Träume (Balder’s Dream) was sold for $1,360,000 in New York at Christie’s.
Recognising Anselm Keifer’s signature
Like many artists, Keifer did not sign all of his works. However, you will find below an example of the signatures to give you an idea. Variations of these signatures do exist, do not hesitate to contact one of our experts to formally authenticate a signature.
Appraising and selling a piece by Anselm Keifer
If you own a piece by Anselm Keifer or any other object, ask for a free estimate via our online form.
You will then be contacted by a member of our team of experts and auctioneers to give you an independent view of the market price of your piece. In the context of a possible sale, our specialists will also advise you on the different options available to sell your work at the best price.