Carlos Cruz-Diez
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Status, price and estimation by Carlos Cruz-Diez
Price of a painting by the artist: 677 – 635,900 €.
Estimation of a drawing by the artist: 220 – 230,000 €.
Estimation of an artist’s lamp: 350 – 96,100 €.
Estimation of a sculpture by the artist: 300 – 298,100 €.
Estimation of one of the artist’s ceramics: 1,500 – 6,000 €.
If you would like to have a work by Carlos Cruz-Diez appraised, our experts will take care of everything.
Carlos Cruz-Diez and Physichromics
Carlos Cruz-was is an artist born in 1923 in Venezuela, he died in Paris in 2019. He began his art studies at the School of Fine Arts in Caracas from 1940 to 1945 in order to be able to teach in 1953. After travelling to Barcelona and Paris, he returned to Venezuela in 1957 and opened a visual arts centre dedicated to graphic and industrial design. Cruz Diez proclaims himself “a direct descendant of Impressionism, Cubism, Fauvism and Constructivism”. In fact, his Physichromies, which he began to produce in 1959, are more akin to 19th century colour theories. His works in particular are known as “colourist” and consist of a canvas more or less covered with polychrome metal strips. This changes the viewer’s perception according to the point of view from which he looks at the painting and encourages the viewer to move in front of the canvas and no longer to have a passive attitude towards the work.
In 1961 he participated in the exhibition The Movement at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Humlebaek and Stockholm, which included over seventy artists.
In 1964, he made his Chromointerferences, on the same principle as the Physichromies but with parallel metal bars. He also exhibited in 1964 in Denise René’s famous gallery and took part in the important exhibition The Responsive Eye which started in 1965 in New York.
Carlos Cruz-Diez and the public space
The question of the synthesis of the arts is an issue that Cruz Diez, as well as many of his contemporaries, would find themselves confronted with. His Chromosaturations, which he produced in 1965, were aimed at highlighting the “autonomous reality” of colours in time and space. He also extended his research to the public domain by installing one of his chromosaturations at the crossroads of the Odéon: L’art dans la rue in 1969, which he created especially for the occasion. He also carried out many other projects for the integration of architectural buildings in his native country, such as Chromatic Environment in the lobby of the Simon Bolivar International Airport in 1974 and Physichromie Orange, in Valencia, 2002, Chromatic Environment for the headquarters of the Union of Swiss Banks in Zurich, Physichromie which is the footbridge of the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines railway station, Yellow Induction in Portugal in 2001 and Spirale of Chromatic Induction in the Korean Folk Village in 2002.
He also published a text of theories on colour, Reflection on Colour in 1989. The Museum of Fine Arts in Houston hosted a retrospective of his work in 2011.
Appraising and selling a painting by Carlos Cruz-Diez
If you own a painting or any other sculpture by Carlos Cruz-Diez, ask for a free estimate via our online form.
You will then be contacted by a member of our team of experts and auctioneers to give you an independent view of the market price of your painting. In the event of a sale, our specialists will also advise you on the various options available to sell your work at the best price.